Litter Training

Litter Box Training

By Tara Whitehawk

If your ferries are having a difficult time litter-box "training", here are some things you can try that have worked for others (and for some of my own):

(1) Replace small or "corner" boxes with wider boxes (square or rectangle) that they can fit their "whole body" into (they seem to prefer having ALL four legs in the box when they back-up), and make sure the entrance is very shallow for easy in/ out. I have had great luck with the Marshall high-backs & lock-ons sold on many online pet sites that sell ferret supplies.

(2) Check the type of litter you are using, as some are picky about textures, and also make sure it is a "safe" litter choice (many are not safe like clay and crystals cat litters). Link below to American Ferret Association's (AFA) safe vs. unsafe litter for ferrets and why.

(3) If they poop on the floor (or other undesirable place), move it to the corner of the litter box (tip: a plastic sandwich bag over the hand works well for this ;) ), and thoroughly clean the soiled spot with something safe/ non-toxic like white vinegar & water or pet safe enzymatic cleaner such as Nature's Miracle or Kids -n- Pets to remove the scent. *Link to enzymatic cleaners below.

If you see them "backing-up" attempting to poop outside of their box - gently pick them up and place them in the corner of the litter box. You can stand next to them and help make sure they go potty (sometimes they will fake-squat and run off without actually going). Keep litter boxes clean, but leave a tiny bit of soiled in the corner for them to smell while they are box training (this helps them to know where to go).

(4) Try the Vanilla extract trick, but use an "imitation" vanilla that is alcohol-free (real vanilla extract contains ethyl alcohol, an intoxicating ingredient!). Vanilla is a strong scent that many ferrets will instinctively try to "cover-up" with their own scent (urine) to mark their territory. It is supposed to be a great aid in training blind ferrets to go potty in a specific place.

*****TIP: You ONLY need to use a COUPLE DROPS, do NOT spray the vanilla or saturate all the litter as this will be too overwhelming for their sensitive respiratory system which could cause health issues.šŸ˜· *Link below to an example of food grade alcohol-free vanilla extract product.

(5) If all else fails try "Litter Box Boot Camp" by the Holistic Ferret (HF)