Deaf Ferrets

Deafness in Ferrets

By Holly

Deaf ferrets don’t need any “special care” and can get along with hearing ferrets just fine! If they are not getting along, that would be a personality thing, not because they’re deaf :) Your deaf ferret may make eye contact with you much more than hearing ferrets. It is VERY helpful to teach them a few hand commands (doesn’t have to be official sign language!). My deaf boy knew “come here”, “wait there”, “stop it”, and “go potty”.

Often deafness is linked with Waardenburg syndrome. If your ferret has any white on their head, they have a much higher chance of being deaf. Enjoy some reading:

Things to look out for

By Holly

-Accidentally sneaking up on your deaf ferret and startling them. I solve this by gently touching my boy, or blowing on him gently (like you would with hot soup)

-Have you heard a profoundly deaf person? They grunt, groan, hum. Deaf ferrets are the same! Their vocalizations are WEIRD. Some are totally silent, some will SHRIEK during just normal play time. My deaf boy sounded like a dying goose!

-A lot of deaf ferrets have a strange way of walking, and will roll over upside-down a lot more than normal ferrets. Deaf ferrets with Waardenburg syndrome have a slightly misshapen skull. I haven’t found any research on this, but my theory is, this & the deafness messes with their inner ear balance.

-Since they didn't get any audio cues from their littermates growing up, they can be a little awkward socially... this can mean extra biting, or funny vocalizations. Just remember that they're not trying to be difficult, they're just a little different 😊

How to tell if your ferret is deaf

By Holly

1) Find your fuzzies in a deep sleep and squeak a toy near them. Whichever one doesn't wake up might be deaf

2) Start a vacuum when the ferrets are sleeping (outside their cage - in their ferret-room or free roam). Whoever does not come out to investigate might also be deaf.

3) Find your fuzzies sleeping and talk to them a lot when you approach. Keep making noise - you'll notice some may rouse or expect you. When you touch your suspected-deaf one, this one may jolt awake, having no idea you were there before. This one is probably deaf