
Nail Care

By Holly

They need their nails for balance, and when they become too long they can catch on blankets, or even start stabbing into their paw pad.

Yes it is scary at first! But it is part of taking care of your fuzzy. Here's a great how-to for people who are nervous about this.

Salmon oil or pollock oil directly onto the tummy is the best way to go. Even if your fuzzy doesn't like it, they'll most likely start licking it to get it off and clean themselves up. (And then they'll get used to the taste!) While they are busy, you can clip their nails with ease 😊

I like to sit on the toilet lid and trim in the bathroom - it's got the best lighting!

Have some styptic powder or flour on hand in case you do cut too close and they start bleeding. Dab a little powder onto the nail and it acts like a band-aid. If they are still bleeding 10 minutes later, please get them to the emergency-vet ASAP.