Fleas, Ticks, & Heartworms

Safe Preventatives

WARNING: Most products that claim they are safe for dogs & cats contain ingredients that are actually poisonous to ferrets. Pyrethrins, organophosphates (tetrachlorvinphos) or carbamates (tetrachlorvinphos) are common active ingredients in MOST over the counter (OTC) flea treatment products and are quite toxic to ferrets, and are known to cause severe and/ or life threatening reactions (this is noted on the American Ferret Association's "poisons" fact sheet).

—Your vet can prescribe your ferrets a safe product such as Revolution (selamectin) for kittens & puppies, or Advantage Multi for kittens/ small cats (Imidacloprid & Moxidectin), or recommend a SAFE OTC product (such as Advantage II for ferrets or kittens/ cats) and give you the proper dosage based on your ferrets weight.

Below is a list of safe over-the-counter (OTC) products for ferrets:

  • Advantage II Ferret, Advantage II kitten, and Advantage II for small cat or large cat (ALL REQUIRE that you know your ferret(s) weights for safe dosage. Depending on which one you get- the concentration of active medication will be different per tube).

***SPECIAL NOTE: The prescription only "Revolution", and "Advantage Multi" will also help prevent heartworms in your ferret (from mosquito bites). Heartworms in ferrets are deadly. The treatment given to kill heartworms in cats and dogs typically also causes death in ferrets because their arteries are so tiny that the dead worm bodies tend to clog up the artery. So, PREVENTION is KEY here.


Fleas like darker areas, so vacuum your house DAILY, focusing on the corners, dark spots, up against the wall, etc. Clean out the vacuum bag right after and seal it in a plastic bag so the fleas/eggs don't come right back out from your vacuum bag...

Also make sure to do the ferret laundry daily and switch out their blankets/bedding daily until the fleas are gone. If the infestation is BAD, do yours too! The fleas/flea eggs may be on your clothes, bedding, etc as well.