MCU Fan Fiction

All in all, I love the MCU. It's great to see my favorite super heroes brought to life. As a kid I'd have gone absolutely nuts if I could have seen the spectacle that is this franchise.

So, occasionally, when I have free time, I'll write some MCU fan fiction. When I do, I'll post it here.

Hulk's Endgame

The Hulk is one of the first Marvel characters I knew about. I loved the 70s TV series as a kid. I enjoyed the comic for years. And I was thrilled by the MCU Hulk movie.

The rest of his MCU appearances, not so much.

I didn't want him to have a romance with Black Widow. I wanted him to try and get back with Betty. I enjoyed his fight with Thor in Ragnarok, but the stuff afterward just didn't sit right. They also didn't explain in canon why Hulk wouldn't come out to fight after his first Thanos fight, and the extra-movie explanation didn't make as much sense as Hulk being scared of Thanos and, having lost for the first time in his life, he's afraid to fight again and be hurt again.

But his role in Endgame prompted me to act. Hulk never got to deal with his issues, never got to face his fears, never got back with Betty, never had his final fight with Thanos. So much of Hulk was unresolved.

So I wrote some scene inserts that either replace, or add to, Endgame, to give Hulk some resolution.

So, here's Hulk's Endgame. Enjoy.