Marvel Super Heroes: Nth Edition


The Marvel Super Heroes roleplaying game ruled the superhero genre of roleplaying games in the 1980's and early 1990's. It had three primary editions: The Basic Set, the Basic Set Revised and the Advanced Set. The Revised and Advanced Sets built upon the core rules of the Basic Set, but never changed things so much as to require a revamping of the rules in a Second Edition. However, once the system ended it's publication life, many fan-fueled tweaks went far enough in their modifications to be considered wholly separate editions for the game. While not official editions, enough of these home-brewed game systems exist to say that, at least unofficially, multiple editions of Marvel Super Heroes have come into their own.

For this reason, I have decided to honor those versions that have come before my own revision or the rules by calling my creation the Marvel Super Heroes: Nth Edition; Nth because I cannot give an exact numbering to the current edition of the rules.

Marvel Super Heroes: Nth Edition takes the rules system back to formula, and gives the system a name: the FEAT System. As many players of the earlier system will remember, FEAT stands for Function of Exceptional Ability or Talent. I have changed how FEATs work in this iteration of the FEAT system, and the very structure of the Universal Table. In doing so I have streamlined the process of making FEATs and simplified play. I have also more than doubled the number of Ranks available for play, allowing for greater flexibility in character creation and an opportunity to play truly ultra-powered heroes.

The original Nth Edition comes in two parts:

  • ADVENTURE BOOK: This is the core rulebook, explaining how to use the new Universal Table and other interesting tidbits. [Available Here: ]

  • CHARACTER BOOK: With this book you will learn how to create your own characters, as well as how you can improve them over time. [Available Here:]

The Nth Edition Revised comes in four books:

  • ADVENTURE BOOK: This is the core rulebook, explaining how to use the new Universal Table and other interesting tidbits. [Available Here: ]

  • CHARACTER BOOK: With this book you will learn how to create your own characters, as well as how you can improve them over time. [Available Here:]

  • CONSTRUCT BOOK: Here you'll find sample Constructs. We have robots, armor, animals weapons and even some vehicles, bases and other items. [Still In production]

  • ROSTER BOOK: Here you'll find sample characters. We have published heroes and villains, some home-brewed heroes, and some normal folk. [Still In production]

I hope that you enjoy Marvel Super Heroes: Nth Edition and that it serves you in the creation of many fantastic adventures.

Note: All characters, images and other licensed materials used on this site are the properties of Marvel Comics or their original artists. They are used without permission for recreational purposes under the terms of Fair Use. Marvel Super Heroes is a registered trademark of TSR, Inc. and Wizards Of The Coast.