Several years ago I started a role-playing game with a friend of mine in a super-hero setting. I had the whole campaign planned, and there was one NPC character whom I planned to introduce later in the campaign that I decided to write a comic book mini-series for. That was Arach-Knight. He's a Spider-Man / Batman hybrid with more than a hint of anti-metahuman bigotry. I had planned to share the stories with my friend once he had reached a certain point in the campaign.

Sadly, I never got to introduce Arach-Knight in the campaign as it has since disbanded. However, the stories remain, and I thought I'd place them here for others to enjoy. I had intended to update these, since the costume I had in mind when I wrote the stories isn't the one he wound up with (and this has plot implications), but I just don't have the time. So here they are, unmodified.

Note: These are scripts; I never drew an actual comic book for these scripts. If anyone wishes to do so (for free), I'll happily post them here or link to them.

I eventually reworked Arach-Knight for Marvel Heroic, altering his design fairly significantly. You can see more about him in Avenging Arach-Knight, elsewhere on this site.

Note 2: I never got around to drawing a full costume for Symphony, the other costumed hero in this story, nor the members of Arach-Knight's team. However, I did design Symphony's mask: