Post date: 13-Aug-2014 16:29:36

Here's a brief rundown of the Table of Contents for the Adventure Book.

    1. FEATS

      1. Making A FEAT

      2. Ranks And Intensities

      3. The Universal Table

      4. Combined FEATs

      5. The Results Table

    2. Drama Points

      1. Earning Drama Points

      2. Spending Drama Points

      3. Drama Points And NPCs

    1. Distinctions

      1. Overview

      2. Types of Distinctions

      3. Creating Personal Distinctions

      4. Creating Scene Distinctions

      5. Using Distinctions

      6. Adjusting Distinctions

      7. Cost Of Personal Distinctions

    1. Running A Session

      1. Time In The Game

      2. Anatomy Of A Page

      3. The Three Actions

      4. Challenges, Confrontations And Combat

      5. Maneuvers

      6. Blindsiding

      7. Pushing

    1. Health, Sanity, Healing And Death

      1. Health

      2. Sanity

      3. Effects Of Damage On Health

      4. Effects Of Damage On Sanity

      5. Raising The Dead

      6. Healing Damage

      7. Stun And Slam

      8. Complications

    1. Movement And Range

      1. Measuring Distance

      2. Normal Movement

      3. Rules For Movement

      4. Throwing Range

      5. Range For Powers

      6. Perception And Distance

    1. Resources And Constructs [Subject to change; I'm still writing this chapter]

      1. Buying And Selling Items

      2. Building Items

      3. What Is A Construct

      4. Types Of Constructs

    1. Intensities

      1. Sample Intensities

Right now the entire Adventure Book looks to be about 50 pages. I'll detail the Character Book's Table of Contents in a later post.