Avenging Arach-Knight #6


[NOTE: Avenging Arach-Knight #5-8 take place after the Plot Points PBEM Events Fearsome Avengers: Breakout and before Fearsome Avengers: House Of Madness.]

Click here to read the story.

I wrote this in the format of a comic book script. It is my hope (and it's a stretch goal) that I will one day be able to draw the comic. It is currently a matter of finding the time and honing the talent necessary to make the comic look at least semi-professional. If I ever succeed at that task I'll provide a link here.

All future installments of the Avenging Arach-Knight will likewise be written in this fashion. Once I finish writing AAK 5-8, collectively entitled Twisted, I'll decide if I want to stop writing and draw for a while or if I want to write the final story in the trilogy, which will encompass AAK 9-12 (currently untitled). That story will take place after the events of Fearsome Avengers: House Of Madness, so I'll probably decide to hold off writing that story until after House Of Madness ends.