As I mentioned elsewhere, I and my fellow contributors to the Plot Points blog have started a play by email game using Marvel Heroic as our game engine. My character in the play by email is the avenging Arach-Knight. He is based on an alternative, heroic version of Gabriel Stacy, whom in the comics became the Gray Goblin (for his origin in the comics, refer to Amazing Spider-Man #509-514, Sins Past). I decided to write his origin story, which I present here in four "issues": Purpose, Malevolence, Madness, and Atonement. The epilogue of that story leads directly into the first story in the PBEM RPG for Marvel Heroic over at Plot Points, which we are calling Fearsome Avengers #1: Breakout (not yet posted to the site, as it is still in play). Needless to say, this is the same story as New Avenger: Breakout, except that our heroes respond to the massive prison escape at the Raft instead of the heroes in the comic.

As a follow-up story, I'm working on a second four-issue arc featuring Arach-Knight's first meeting with Spider-Man since Gabriel took on a heroic career. As of this writing I'm just getting started, but will place "holding" pages on the site for where I will eventually post these issues. The story takes place in the week between the end of Breakout Part One (we never ran Part Two) and House Of Madness, Act One, Part Two.