Green Pen Legacy Award

For Long-term Outstanding Performance at Boot Camp

February 2020 - Deirdre & John Zohlman

  • Deidre began attending workout way back when Exit 4 Boot Camp first became a Rec program in 2014.

  • John finally decided to join the fun when he attended his first workout on Saturday, April 16, 2016 (according to my records). He never stopped showing up. Thus was born another power boot camp couple!

  • Deirdre organized our one and only (& extremely successful) Boot Camp to Boot Cancer fundraiser to support our friend, Vince Sutera.

  • John still runs like a 20-something year old even though I suspect he's at least 30 years old.

January 2020 - Michele & Mike DiMarino

  • No couple has been attending workouts together longer than the DiMarinos. Exit 4 Boot Camp was first offered as a Rec program in January 2014. Michele and Mike were the 13th and 14th people to register for that initial offering (Note: Haynes was #7, Max was #8, and Frank was # 15).

  • Mike was part of a small group that was getting together for workouts back in 2011/12 a year or two before Rich joined them.

  • Over the years, Michele has averaged about 25% more workouts per month than Mike. But, Mike gets the edge in terms of all-out effort when pushing the tire across the gym (especially if Jason is pushing a tire next to him).

  • It is comforting knowing we have a nurse and a doctor in the building when the DiMarinos attend workouts.


December 2019 - James Feustel

  • Began attending workouts shortly after Thanksgiving 2018. Claims he could barely complete one burpee when he started.

  • Averages a solid 10 - 12 workouts per month.

  • Almost always one of the first three people to arrive for the Tues/Thurs 5 am workouts.

  • Quietly goes about his business one workout at a time, always pushing himself, and often wearing sweat pants (even on warm mornings). Can also rock a beard.

  • Only boot camper to show up at 6:30 am on Sunday, 12/29/19, to complete the Beep Test (for the first time ever!).


November 2019 - Susan Batastini

  • Member of an elite group of boot campers who began attending workouts way back in 2014.

  • Can count on her to complete 2 to 3 workouts a week, often more.

  • Beneath her smile and laugh is an extremely competitive athlete.

  • Has a very magnetic car - one of the few vehicles in town still holding onto an old (now faded) rectangular Exit 4 Boot Camp magnet.

  • Member of the SASW group.


October 2019 - Jason Weber

  • Began attending workouts when Exit 4 Boot Camp started, back in 2014.

  • Consistently attends 3 to 4 workouts per week.

  • King of the Beep Test (and any other running challenge at boot camp). Also, always chooses to complete the optional difficult stations at workouts.

  • Videographer/producer of several snazzy Exit 4 Boot Camp promotional videos, including THIS ONE, which is still my favorite.

  • Has a really cool job that allows him to spend time with NFL players.


September 2019 - Melissa Corbin

  • Began attending workouts way back in 2013, before we adopted the Exit 4 Boot Camp name.

  • Always completes more than 10 workouts a month, often 15 or more. Best Attendance winner - July 2017.

  • Gives it her all at workouts, even while carrying on conversations with friends.

  • Only boot camper not afraid to let Rich know when a song (or an entire playlist) needs to be ditched - immediately.

  • Loves her coffee, especially on Saturdays after boot camp.

  • Cutest boot camper.


August 2019 - Colleen O'Donnell

  • Began attending workouts in September 2018.

  • During the past year, Colleen has averaged over 16 workouts a month, hit 20 several times, and has been very close to capturing Best Attendance honors.

  • Veni, vidi, vici is Colleen's approach to workouts. At least that's what it looks like from my perspective. She is all business and works hard every time she steps in the gym.

  • I suspect she may think that I don't know who she is. We've never had a lengthy conversation (I don't want to interrupt her workout mojo). However, I definitely know who she is! She sets a great example for all boot campers with her dedication to exercise and staying fit. Way to go Colleen!


July 2019 - Colleen Thornton

  • Began attending workouts in January 2015! How have I not already given Colleen a green pen? Geez! I need an administrative assistant to help me review my attendance roster for eligible green pen nominees.

  • A solid 10 workouts per month is generally her number, but she has gotten as high as 15 - 20.

  • When developing my boot camp acronym game for one of our holiday parties, I said Colleen was a SBCer, A-MI (Stealth Boot Camper, Anti-Max Ingram, i.e. sort of quiet). I was quickly informed by her friends that that was definitely NOT accurate. I don't know...she seems to be very focused on her workouts at boot camp classes, not much chit chat (unless one of her good buddies is also at a workout).

  • Loves 80s music and clothing apparently. Time to bring out the leg warmers for a workout.


June 2019 - Carin Troy

  • It's spelled Carin, not Caryn or Karen.

  • Has been attending boot camp for almost 5 years!

  • Averages 15 boot camp workouts a month. Can ramp it up to over 20 workouts if necessary -- she did that to win Best Attendance honors with daughter, Emily, in July 2018.

  • Great resource for all things Moorestown and Clif Bar related.

  • Has promised to remain heavily involved in Home & School until my younger daughter graduates high school.


May 2019 - Adrienne Barr

  • Has attended boot camp classes ever since we moved from Casa De Knowlton to Casa De Rec Center in early 2014 - that's 5+ years!

  • Averages a healthy 10 workouts a month. If not at boot camp, she's probably logging miles running around Moorestown.

  • One of only six women to reach Beep Test Level 10.

  • Wife of the most passionate Eagles fan you will ever meet.

  • Most flexible boot camper.


April 2019 - Jennifer Paglione

  • Has been attending boot camp for four straight years. It all started in the beginning of 2015 with a call Jennifer placed to the Rec Center. I just happened to pick up the phone that day. Jennifer -- "I was calling to get some information about your Exit 4 Boot Camp program. Is there someone at the Rec that can help me?' Rich -- "I might be able to answer your questions."

  • One of the all-time attendance leaders; has captured Best Attendance honors three times.

  • Prefers 6 am over 5 am on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

  • Her good friends at boot camp call her "Pags." Well, I know of at least one boot camper who calls her that; not sure if others do.


March 2019 - Cindy Coyne

  • Has attended boot camp workouts since the beginning of 2016.

  • Averages 2 to 3 workouts a week. Prefers the Tuesday/Thursday @ 6 am or Saturday @ 7 am workouts (sometimes 9 am too).

  • Likes Rich's music (I think), but only if played at an appropriate volume.

  • Willing to banter with Max, but will also put him in his place, as appropriate.

  • Queen of the grapevine move!


February 2019 - Claudia Stiers

  • Has attended boot camp workouts since the beginning of 2015.

  • Consistently attends Tuesday or Thursday workouts at 5 am, and Saturdays at 6 am. Also sometimes sneaks in for the Monday or Friday @ 5:15 am classes.

  • Quietly goes about her business of knocking out workouts, averaging 8 to 10 per month.

  • Still rocks an AOL email address!


January 2019 - Scott Sedlock

  • Has been consistently attending workouts for more than four years!

  • Averages around 10 workouts per month.

  • One of only three people to ever conquer the pegboard. He makes it look very easy.

  • Loves yoga!


December 2018 - Mike Dobbs

  • Has attended workouts since June 2015.

  • Historically averaging around 10 workouts per month, but has recently been approaching best attendance territory with 15 - 25 workouts.

  • Great at welcoming/encouraging newer boot campers.

  • Terrific taste in music!


November 2018 - Karen Moyer

  • November marked Karen's one-year anniversary of attending boot camp classes.

  • Consistently attends 10 - 15 workouts per month, occasionally gets closer to 20 workouts.

  • One of only two current boot campers who attended Exit 4 workouts when they were also held at Marlton United Methodist Church.

  • Always one of the first people to arrive at workouts.


October 2018 - Stacy Jankiewicz

  • Started attending workouts at the beginning of 2015.

  • Averages 10 - 15 workouts per month.

  • Doesn't always arrive with a big smile on her face, but still shows up and plows through the routines.

  • Willing to provide workout music suggestions, which Rich appreciates (keeps him up-to-date on the latest hit songs/artists).

  • Lives on the east end of the best street in Moorestown.


September 2018 - Deborah Sambucci

  • Has been attending Exit 4 workouts for almost four years.

  • Consistent attendee averaging around 15 workouts per month.

  • Very close to capturing Best Attendance honors several times.

  • Always gives her all at workouts and completes moves with proper form.

  • Prefers to warm-up for workouts behind my right shoulder near one of the emergency exit doors (has never snuck out the emergency door as far as I know).


August 2018 - Jonathan Miller

  • Began attending workouts back in 2013, before we adopted the Exit 4 Boot Camp name and moved into the Rec Center.

  • While now retired, with the option to sleep in, Jonathan still consistently shows up at early-morning workouts.

  • Best Attendance winner in August 2015.

  • Member of the elite Dancing Bears Club (with Max).

  • Pastor who married Rich & Melissa (his first wedding at the First Presbyterian Church of Moorestown).

  • Always offers words of encouragement and prayer at the end of workouts.


July 2018 - Kristen & Mikayla Holmbeck

  • Have consistently attended boot camp workouts together for the past year (Kristen started coming two years ago).

  • Often mistaken as sisters rather than mother and daughter.

  • No teenager has completed more Exit 4 workouts than Mikayla. How many teenagers do you know who are willing to get up super early to workout before getting ready to go to school over in Philadelphia?

  • Kristen has recently been inching closer to Best Attendance territory.

  • Both Kristen and Mikayla are very consistent attendees, averaging a healthy 2 to 4 workouts per week.


June 2018 - Mike Welch

  • Has attended boot camp workouts for at least four years (possibly five).

  • Nobody gives more effort at workouts - 100% every single time! All business, no chitchat at classes.

  • 2X Best Attendance winner (April 2015 & January 2017).

  • I believe Mike has come the closest to completing the modified version of Sally Squats (replacing squats with push-ups).

  • Has some of the cutest grandchildren you will ever meet. Yes, believe it or not, Mike is old enough to have grand kids.


May 2018 - Sue & Chuck Calhoun

  • Have been attending workouts for almost four years. Sue began attending first (I believe), following by Chuck.

  • Both average 2 to 4 workouts per week.

  • Generally come to workouts together and love to push each other, especially when performing sprints across the gym or on the turf field. Both love outdoor workouts.

  • Super Villanova Wildcats fans.

  • Only the second married couple to earn the coveted Green Pen Legacy Award. And, like the other couple (Joanne & Mark Rafferty...and all boot campers for that matter), Sue & Chuck are super nice people. Get to know them if you haven't already.


April 2018 - Kim Hock

  • Has attended boot camp workouts since we moved into the Rec Center (Early 2014).

  • Averages a healthy 2 to 3 workouts per week.

  • All business...quietly shows up and cranks out her workouts.

  • Boot camper with possibly the closest birthday to Rich (Note: She's 2 weeks older than Rich).

  • But she must be smarter than Rich since she graduated high school a year ahead of him.

  • Related to a former regular boot camp attendee who we miss seeing (but, he is busy and very involved in the community, so we'll give him a pass).


March 2018 - Michael Rafferty

  • Has consistently attended boot camp workouts since July 2015.

  • Has always averaged over 10 workouts per month, closer to 20 per month the past year.

  • King of the Team Fitness Challenges. Finally made it to the top of the heap with the 4th challenge:

    • January 2017 Team Fitness Challenge - 5th Place

    • May 2017 Team Fitness Challenge - 2nd Place

    • September 2017 Back-to-School Challenge - 3rd Place

    • February 2018 Team Fitness Challenge - 1st Place - Finally!

  • Lives on the second best street in Moorestown.


February 2018 - Eileen Fitzpatrick

  • Has consistently attended boot camp workouts since 2014!

  • 2014 - 2016: Averaged 10 - 15 workouts per month.

  • 2017 - Present: Averaging 20+ workouts per month. I'm not exactly sure what spurred the increase, but suspect it can be tied to all the fruits and veggies she now consumes.

  • Do you want to see the benefits of exercise and healthy eating? See Eileen.

  • Always gives it her all at workouts (runs in the family).

  • Rich's prediction: Best Attendance trophy will be in Eileen's house at some point in 2018. She was very close to getting it several times in 2017 and missed it by just one workout in February 2018.


January 2018 - Team Tight Panties (Amy Celhar, Dayna Hendrickson, Melanie Romano, Shannon Sherry)

  • Best example of the benefits of working out with friends - accountability helps to keep you going.

  • All four have consistently attended workouts for over two years. They each average between 10 and 20 workouts per month.

  • Best Team Name: Tight Panties (aka TPs).

  • 1st Place in the May 2017 Team Fitness Challenge; 2nd Place in January 2017 Team Fitness Challenge.

  • Did not participate in the February 2018 Team Fitness Challenge (silently protesting the challenge rules), but they kept showing up at workouts!

  • First team to receive the coveted Green Pen Legacy Award (they each get a pen).


December 2017 - Mike Kelley

  • Consistent attendee for over two years.

  • Almost always the first person to arrive for the 5:00 am Tues/Thurs workouts.

  • Mr. 10 - 20. Every month, month after month, Mike consistently attends 10 to 20 workouts.

  • Has apparently begun building a Spartan Race training area in his backyard.

  • Has a daughter who runs tough Exit 4 workouts!


November 2017 - Ruth Anne Pluckhorn

  • One of the longest continuously attending boot campers.

  • Has known Rich longer than any other regularly attending boot camper.

  • Probably in the best shape of her life.

  • Loves her veggies and would likely own a little piggy if she didn't already have a house full of animals.

  • Best Attendance a record 8 times as of November 2017. December 2019 Update: Best Attendance a record 12 times!


October 2017 - Erin Talbot

  • Has been consistently attending boot camp workouts for over two years.

  • Best Attendance Awardee 3 times!

  • Always up for a Boot Camp challenge. Especially enjoys challenges requiring the elimination of sugar in coffee.

  • Fundraising Queen (together with her mother) -- Directly responsible for raising over $100,000 in support of Sparks for Leah. Visit if you would ever like to make a donation. Search for Erin's name and the team name - Sparks for Leah.

  • Hands-down, best baker of rum cakes!


September 2017 - Kathleen Mininno

  • Has been consistently attending boot camp workouts for over three years.

  • Best Attendance Awardee (4X!) (Note: Not required to receive the Green Pen Legacy Award, but worthy of being called out).

  • Battled back from neck/shoulder and knee injuries.

  • Best with quick witted responses to comments made by the August 2017 Green Pen Legacy Awardee.

  • Master of rallying the troops for fun 8k races!


August 2017 - Max Ingram

  • Second longest continual attendee at boot camp (after Haynes).

  • King of the rope slam move and the only boot camper (to date) to successfully complete the Toss the Med Ball to the Ceiling challenge move using the 14 lb. med ball. Also, the only boot camper who can successfully carry on a full conversation while performing burpees (sometimes modified to squats).

  • Always willing to hangout after a workout in the gym and/or outside in the parking lot.

  • Mr. 4th Quarter..."Hey Rich, do you know what they say?...".


July 2017 - Frank Caccuro

  • Has been attending boot camp since September 2014.

  • Consistently attends three to four workouts per week (when not traveling for work).

  • Positions himself near the trainer during warm-up exercises, just in case he's called upon to jump in and lead the workout.

  • Always gives his all at the workouts.


June 2017 - Linda Dobbs

  • Has been attending boot camp since February 2015.

  • Averages around 10 workouts per month.

  • Nagging knee injury doesn't slow her down. Works hard at every workout and modifies as necessary.

  • Nobody performs a better modified step-out jumping jack!


May 2017 - Joanne & Mark Rafferty

  • Have been attending boot camp since November 2015.

  • Average 10 - 15 workouts per month. Very consistent attendees.

  • Almost always come to the workouts together!

  • Two of the nicest people you'll ever meet. I recommend you introduce yourself to them if you don't already know them. They usually come to the 6 am Tues/Thurs workouts and warm-up on the left side as you walk into the gym.


April 2017 - Dawn Miller

  • Has been attending workouts since January 2015 (according to my records).

  • Regularly on the Top 10 list of attendees each month.

  • Referred to as Perfect Push-up Miller. If you want to see how to perform a push-up with perfect form, watch Dawn.


March 2017 - Haynes Hendrickson

  • Longest continual attendee at boot camp. Haynes began attending workouts before Rich started and before we adopted the name Exit 4 Boot Camp.

  • King of the Slam Ball. Fastest boot camper when it comes to properly executed full overhead slams!