Retire iGoogle

Google will retire iGoogle on November 1, 2013. See What's happening to iGoogle? The most important thing in iGoogle with PLE is to learn the concept of PLE. With Web 2.0 tools, we see them are updated, or replaced with new tools. If we have good knowledge about PLE and organizing PLE, we can use any tool to organize our own PLE, not just iGoogle. There are many personal portal tools, like iGoogle, Google Chrome Apps, NetVibes, mobile apps, 24Eyes, ProtoPage, StartCom, can support our PLE.


Symbaloo is a hybrid online tool for PLE and bookmaking. It can be used as an alternative tool for iGoogle.

See: iGoogle Alternative

Learn about Symbaloo EDU

Google Chrome Apps

If you would like, you can use the alternative method to create your PLE on Google Chrome. See the instructions below.

  • Personalize Google Chrome: An alternative to iGoogle:
  • Follow the instructions above to add the required and optional iGoogle gadgets/Chrome apps or extensions to your Chrome browser.
  • Use screen catch function to capture your Chrome App page: EXAMPLE

Mobile Apps

If you have mobile devices, such as tablets, smartphones etc., you can use your mobile devices to create your PLE to support your mobile learning.

iPad PLE example