Collaborative Evaluations

Collaborative evaluations are an alternative evaluation to sole instructor's evaluation, one group grade for all group members.

Collaborative evaluation includes evaluations by peers, self, instructor based on students' team performance throughout the semester or for specific group assignments. The points are divided among instructor evaluation, peer evaluations and self evaluation. Each team will need to determine how the points to be applied. Instructor's evaluation on team assignment is always 50% while self and peer evaluations are 50% combined. Self evaluation will require students to evaluate their own contribution to the work of the team work. Peer evaluation will require that the team evaluate the contribution of each member to the team project. Peer evaluation and self evaluation are required, also required are written explanations of the evaluations.

The number of points for each evaluation is decided by an agreement reached by the team. Below are examples of how percentages of the different self and collaborative evaluations can be combined. If a team has three team members, the peer evaluations will be computed on the average score. The combinations are not limited to the examples listed below as long as the total evaluation and peer evaluations do not exceed 100%. Teams should discuss the point allocations and notify the instructor of the allocation. Teams may alter or update their percentage allocations as frequently as they wish; however, the decisions should be made with the agreement of all or majority (2 out of three) of members of the team.

The team can make the request for collaborative evaluations on all group activities or on the selected ones during the course session.

Q: Can you suggest a rubric that my group use to evaluate each other group members' performances?

A: Here is a sample of peer evaluation rubrics for group work.

Q: If we use a rubric for the peer evaluation, do we need to share the rubrics with the instructor?

A: It is your group's decision. Feel free to crate and to develop your group work rubrics.