Design-Tagging Architecture

Teaching music requires that I see each student in every class within the school. I need to make my tagging structure easy to differentiate partnerships, classrooms, grade levels, and the content or assignment we are working on.

For my lesson plan, I imagine I will require my students to collaborate within partnerships and comment and view other partners' achievements. Because of this, I have created grouping tags which stand for "Partnership A," "Partnership B" etc. Each class will have partnerships with the same titles. Then, when we peer-evaluate, each "partnership A" within all three third grade classes or even within all grade levels could easily be assigned to collaborate and critique another partnership outside their classroom. I also decided to add tags according to specific classrooms since I teach all classrooms within the school. The classroom tags showcase their grade level first and then the first three letters of their teachers name such as "3Smi." Then students can easily sort through and find only partnerships within their grade level. My content tags reflect many skills we may be working on as well as weather or not the specified item is still a working project, or a final draft. This way I can check on progress of the students and know if they are still in their working stages or not. Also, if I want to showcase examples of past projects, assess with references, or otherwise, I can filter projects by content. Finally, I wanted to add the name of our school "Park" as a tag because we might like to partner with our sister school within our district or even collaborate or share with another school across the country.