Objective & Activities Writting

  • Objectives & Activities writing for online learning
    • Many of us did not have clear objectives and activities written. Most of our objectives and activities only address what content learners to learn. Most of our objectives & activities miss online learning instructional strategies and online learning technologies.
    • Example:
      • Objective: Learners will learn wiki.
      • Activity: Learners will contribute to wiki.
      • Activity: Learners will participate wiki discussions
    • These objective and activities only address content (learn wiki) and part of online learning technology (wiki & wiki discussion boards) and lack of online learning instructional strategies and online learning technologies.
    • More effective objective & activities
      • Objective: Learners will learn wiki technology via online collaborative learning community with online discussion and social tagging to learn using wiki as teaching tool.
        • Online learning instructional strategies: Online collaborative learning community; social tagging; Four types of interaction, critical thinking.
        • Online learning technology: wiki
        • Content: Learn using wiki as teaching tool
      • Activity: Learners will engaged in online collaborative learning community by contributing to class wiki content development in using wiki as teaching tool.
        • Online learning instructional strategies: Online collaborative learning community; Participatory web, UGC.
        • Online learning technology: wiki
        • Content: Using wiki as teaching tool
      • Activity: Learners will participate wiki discussion board with social tagging to discuss the critical issues of using wiki as learning tool.
        • Online learning instructional strategies: Four types of online interaction; social tagging, critical thinking
        • Online learning technology: wiki discussion board
        • Content: Using wiki as teaching tool
  • Objectives & Activities writing for Distributed Learning (DL)
    • Many of us did not have clear objectives and activities written. Most of our objectives and activities only address what content learners to learn. Most of our objectives & activities miss DL instructional strategies and DL technologies.
    • Example:
      • Objective: Learners will learn using wiki as teaching tool.
      • Activity: Learners will contribute to wiki.
      • Activity: Learners will participate online threaded discussions to learn using wiki as teaching tool
    • These objective and activities only address content (learn wiki) and part of DL technology (wiki & threaded discussion boards) and lack of DL instructional strategies and DL technologies.
    • More effective objective & activities
      • Objective: Learners will learn wiki technology via online collaborative learning community with online discussion to learn using wiki as teaching tool.
        • Online learning instructional strategies: Online collaborative learning community; Four types of interactions
        • Online learning technology: wiki
        • Content: Learn using wiki as teaching tool
      • Activity: Learners will engaged in online collaborative learning community by contributing to class wiki content development in using wiki as teaching tool.
        • Online learning instructional strategies: Online collaborative learning community; Participatory web, UGC.
        • Online learning technology: wiki
        • Content: Using wiki as teaching tool
      • Activity: Learners will participate CMS' threaded discussion board to discuss the critical issues of using wiki as learning tool.
        • Online learning instructional strategies: Four types of online interaction; critical thinking
        • Online learning technology: CMS' threaded discussion board
        • Content: Using wiki as teaching tool