Google Docs Submission

Why do we use Google Docs to submit our assignment rather than other methods?

Google Docs allow us to submit assignment and share it with intended parties, like instructors; therefore, instructors can comment and provide the feedback on Google Docs without downloading and uploading processes. Additionally, the provided comments/feedback can become threaded discussion interaction between learners and instructors. With this design and feature, assignment feedback becomes more interactive and engage learners in higher levels of critical thinking process.

With Google Docs format, we can provide comment to a specific word, area, or image/table/chart.

Assignments submitted via Google Docs become cloud computing. Learners can access them from anywhere, anytime, and digital devices. In other words, we can access assignments on desktop computers, laptop computers, and digital mobile devices to fulfill ubiquitous learning.

Since NAU e-mail accounts are GMail, after you graduate from ETC program, you can continue using access your GMail and all Google documents that you create. They do not expire.