Lesson Discussion Strategies

Q: Do I need to respond to all KEY discussion questions?

A: Yes. We need to respond to ALL KEY discussion questions thoroughly in the first posting period. We read the lesson readings and we have reflections on the reading so why not share with the class and engage in active and interactive discussions. Sometime the moderators or the instructors post non-key discussion questions. It's optional for us to respond to them. If you have any reflections on discussion questions, why not share your thoughts with us. Remember, we are the community learners. We may work alone but learn together.

Q: What are the two posting period? Why we have to follow & participate in two posting periods?

A: Please see the discussion guidelines from the syllabus. The reasons why we have to follow and participate in two postings periods are to ensure students participating lesson discussions on regular basis to engage in active and interactive lesson discussions. Without following and participating in two posting periods, lesson discussions may result in just like Q & A. Participants come and post all required messages and leave and never visit the discussion board again. This would not result in effective lesson discussions to ensure positive learner-learner and learner-instructor interactions.

If we do not follow and participate in both posting periods, we may not recruit full points for lesson discussions.

Q: Do I need to respond the questions raised to my postings?

A: Yes, as courtesy, we need to respond all questions raised to our posting by classmates, moderators, and the instructor. Fail to do so may result in point deductions.

Q: Will I recruit full points if I post at least four/eight postings by following two posting periods?

A: It depends on the quality of your postings.

Q: My team is the moderators for the lesson. Do we need to respond to the key discussion question?

A: No, your team does not need to respond to the discussion questions. Your team should focus on facilitating the lesson discussion to ensure all students participate actively, interactively, and regularly. You are welcome to respond to the lesson discussion question if you wish in additional to your moderating tasks.

Q: What do I need to do if there is certain time I couldn't participate lesson discussions?

A: Be sure to contact the moderators and the instructor before your absence. If it is an emergency, it is our responsibilities to notify the moderators, and the instructor ASAP.