ETC655 eBooks

eBook Editions

Spring 2024

Open Network Learning Environments: In a Post-COVID Educational System. PDF ePub Kindle

Fall 2023

Crafting ONLE Excellent. PDF ePub Kindle

Spring 2023

Collaborative Learning Technology & Applications. PDF ePub Kindle

Fall 2022

Redefining Online Education with ONLE Design & Practices. PDF Kindle

Spring 2022

Redefining Online Education with ONLE Design & Practices. PDF Kindle

Fall 2021

Resources and Innovations for Creating an Effective Open Network Learning Environment. PDF Kindle

Spring 2021

Democratizing Digital Education: An Educator’s Guide to Open Network Learning Environments & Personal Learning Environments. PDF Kindle

Fall 2020

Digital Learning for the Modern Educators. PDF Kindle

Spring 2020

Advancing the Educational Frontier with ONLE and PLE. PDF 

Fall 2019

Education Today & Tomorrow: Your Guide to ONLE &PLE Best Practices. PDF

Spring 2019

Connectivism as seen in Technology-Driven Online Learning Environments. PDF Kindle

Fall 2018

Integrating Open Network & Learning Environments for Online Education. PDF 

Spring 2018

Back to the Future: Where PLE and ONLE are going, We don't Need Roads. PDF 

Fall 2017

Education Transformed: How Open Network Learning and Personal Learning Environments are Changing the way we Learn and Teach. ePub HTML

Spring 2017

A Glimpse into the Future of Education. PDF

Fall 2016

Creating Technology Learning Environment. PDF

Spring 2016

ONLE and PLE Digital Learner’s Guide. PDF

Fall 2015

Open Network Learning Environment & Personal Learning Environment: An Interactive Guide for Educators. PDF iBooks

Spring 2015

Teaching and Learning in an Open Network Learning Environment. PDF HTML 

Fall 2014

PLE & ONLE: A Learner's Companion. PDF HTML iBooks

Spring 2014

Online Learning: PLE & ONLE. PDF iBooks

Fall 2013

Learning in the Cloud: PLE and ONLE: Design, Development& Practices. PDF HTML

Spring 2013

Open Network Learning Environments: The future of online learning. PDF

Fall 2012

Personal Learning Environments & Open Network Learning Environments: An Educators Guide. PDF HTML

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eBooks Advisory Board Members

The advisory board is formed by previous book editors to support the upcoming book editors to design, to develop, and to complete their eBook project.  Please feel free to contact them but be respectful to their time.

Spring 2022

Lauren Miller: or

Spring 2021

Fall 2020

Spring 2019

Fall 2018

Spring 2018

Fall 2017

Spring 2017

Fall 2016

2016 & Earlier