
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah

According to About Religion:

The Christian faith is based on the Bible. A key doctrine in Christianity is the Inerrancy of Scripture, meaning the Bible in its original, handwritten state is without error. Christians teach that the Bible itself claims to be the inspired Word of God, or "God-breathed" (2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:21). It unfolds as a divine love story between the Creator God and the object of his love--man. In the pages of the Bible we learn of God's interaction with mankind, his purposes and plans, from the beginning of time and throughout history.

The statement above is typically what every Christian believe. However, a careful study of the Bible proves that it is full of errors, ranging from scientific, historical, arithmetical, genealogical, contradictory statements, failed prophesies, etc. The various evidences to support this are:

  1. Wrong scientific, historic or arithmetic statements in the Bible.
  2. Differences between different versions of the Bible.
  3. Irreconcilable and contradictory statements in each of the Bible versions.

My intention is to discuss these errors in this website for those with the ability to think to take heed.