Ethnic Social Institutions

Project Overview

The project seeks to develop a new metric that allows scholars to assess the impact of ethnic social institutions on outcomes such as political participation or local cooperation. Often the role of ethnicity is incorporated into models through metrics like ELF (ethno-linguistic fractionalization) which only provide information on the level of ethnic heterogeneity in an area. The underlying belief is that more heterogeneous areas are more likely to experience more conflict, less cooperation, and poorer outcomes. 

Our early findings suggest that while this general trend holds, 

The Team

Adam Harris

Associate Professor in Development Politics in the Department of Political Science at University College London 

Kristen Kao

Docent (Associate Professor) at the Department of Political Science, University of Gothenburg 

Ellen Lust

Founding Director of the Governance and Local Development Institute at Yale University (est. 2013), and then at the University of Gothenburg (est. 2015), and a Professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of Gothenburg. 

Erica Ann Metheney

Statistician, Researcher,  and Head of Data Team at the Governance and Local Development Institute