Complexity & Discrimination

Project Overview

This is a new interdisciplinary project bringing together scholars from social and complexity science. This page will be updated as the project progresses. 

... but What is a Complex System/Complexity Science?

If you want to learn more about complex systems, I recommend the following resources: 

If you have a group of colleagues that want to learn more, here is a 6 session schedule that will allow you to work through the two podcast episodes and Thinking in Systems by Donella Meadows. 

Session 1: Listen to the following episodes of the Simplifying Complexity podcast:

·         The 10 features of complex systems: Part 1 (24 minutes)

·         The 10 features of complex systems: Part 2 (24 minutes)

Session 2: Read the following sections of Thinking in Systems: A Primer:

·         Introduction: The Systems Lens (7 pages)

·         ONE. The Basics (24 pages)

Session 3:Read the following section of Thinking in Systems: A Primer:

·         TWO. Brief Visit to the Systems Zoo (39 pages)

Session 4:Read the following sections of Thinking in Systems: A Primer:

·         THREE. Why Systems Work So Well (11 pages)

·         FOUR. Why Systems Surprise Us (25 pages)

Session 5:Read the following section of Thinking in Systems: A Primer:

·         FIVE. System Traps…and Opportunities (33 pages)

Session 6:Read the following sections of Thinking in Systems: A Primer:

·         SIX. Leverage Points- Places to Intervene in a System (22 pages)

·         SEVEN. Living in a World of Systems (21 pages)

If you are interested in how complexity science can be used to study social science problems, check out the following papers: 

The Team

Given the largely interdisciplinary nature of the project, we require a diverse team of scholars with expertise in social science, complexity science, and computation. Individual bios are forthcoming.