Golden Circle


The Golden Circle is a recently developed secret society. Their goal is to counter the Bloodletter groundswell that has rocked the world. They have a three tiered approach to the problem.

  • Counter the Bloodletters wherever possible.
  • Organize for a war the believe inevitable.
  • Develop the leaders necessary for both missions.

Given what they see as an organized and selective return of Oathbreaker gods, the Golden Circle believes that there is a secret organization actively aiding the movement. They call this organization the Shadow Empire.


During the Crusade of Light, the Golden Circle was the recruitment arm of the Alliance of Light. It was they who traveled the world seeking out the bravest and best to fight in the Crusade. They were eminently successful, as the Crusade defeated the Oathbreakers.

After the war, the Circle disbanded as its recruits now fought each other in bids for power, and so the ideal was lost.

Centuries later, after the Dragon Emperor lost his empire to the Malachites, he reconsidered his life and the part that he played in history. He had grown up knowing those who fought in the Crusade of Light, and knew those who staffed the Golden Circle. Now, with the return of the Oathbreakers, he found new fervor in those old ideals. He rededicated himself to fighting their threat, just as his father had done. He organized a new circle, this time in secret.


  • Seek out those who would fight selflessly.
  • Counter the machinations of the Bloodletters.
  • Seek information on the Shadow Empire.
  • Aid those in need.
  • Support the common good.