
Current Students

  • Luis Hildebrandt (DPhil): Universal quantifiers and NPI illusions

  • Zirui Huang (DPhil): Incremental structure building in relative clauses and islands

  • Shahd Dibas (DPhil): Structure and the domain of non-compositional meaning

  • Deborah Ball (DPhil): The structure of brand names

  • Yang Fan (DPhil): Garden-path reanalysis and memory retrieval

  • Runyi Yao (DPhil): Intra-sentential coherence and sentence processing

Former Students

  • Arkady Kwapiszewski (DPhil, 2022): Aspect and event structure: The morphosyntax of Polish verbs from a cross-linguistic perspective

  • Kim Fuellenbach (DPhil, 2020): The morphosyntax of generics and their conceptual structure

  • Ana Werkmann Hovat (DPhil, 2017): Layers of modality

Former Postdocs