TT21 Week 7

Post date: Jun 07, 2021 4:43:48 PM

Given the interest in the group about modelling and its relationship to experimental data, I wonder if we shouldn’t just read a paper from the Scales Degrees Implicatures kickoff workshop and give a different (non-incremental processing!) perspective. Let’s have a read over: Xiang, Kennedy, Xu, and Leffel 2021 manuscript Pragmatic Reasoning and Semantic Convention: A Case Study on Gradable Adjectives (The slides from their talk are here.)

This paper makes a really interesting counterpoint to a paper that was earlier in the day from Michael Franke. Unfortunately only his talk’s abstract is available (here) and I don’t see a relevant paper on his website, but perhaps you can get a sense of what his work is also doing if interested (he’s got a lot of really interesting ideas about how pragmatic communication shapes vagueness in language).