

This plant lives in the margins.

Food: Trinuscapi feeds on sim lag.


They attract avatars' attention by their striking colouring and their ability to play music


This plant reproduces slowly, and in response to a chain of environmental events.

Evolutionary theory aspects:

This aspect is in development.

Development history: This plant was initially created as part of a Sound Garden that plays music when avatars interact with the flowers. The flowers were then included in the EDGE of Life ecosystem as a marginal plant that feeds both aquatic and terrestrial creatures.

Future developments: The plant's reproduction aspects is in the process of being refined, which impacts on it's place in the evolutionary mechanisms of all of the creatures in the ecosystem.


Body designed by: Venus Jervil

Behaviours devised by: Venus Jervil

Scripting designed/compiled by: Davide Byron and Venus Jervil

Testing carried out by: Venus Jervil

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