

Allyn  Ford -- the most powerful timber baron in the Pacific Northwest -- is Chairman of the Board for Umpqua Bank

As sole owner and CEO of Roseburg Forest Products (RFP), Ford oversees 800,000 acres of forests across Oregon and northern California, where he clearcuts and sprays toxic pesticides.

Roseburg Forest Products clearcut in Oregon's Elliot State Forest, 2006

Ford's primitive model of slash-and-spray (de)forestry is to blame for horizon-to-horizon clearcuts, poisoned families, polluted drinking water, dead salmon, landslides, and tons of global warming gases released into the atmosphere.

Over the past decade, Ford has ignored requests to adopt responsible forestry practices to set a new model for a backward timber industry.

We must speak to Ford in a language he understands: cold hard cashSend Ford a message with your money by withdrawing all accounts from Umpqua Bank.