
An agenda for activism

Here are five of the largest political decisions Lane County residents could alter to help local people, the local economy and natural ecosystems that sustain our way of life:

Write, call or demonstrate to Rep. Peter DeFazio, Sen. Ron Wyden and Sen. Jeff Merkley about the need to cosponsor the single-payer health insurance bills.

Write, call or demonstrate to all elected officials in Lane County about the need to drop highway expansion plans and instead allocate taxpayer money to fix existing, crumbling infrastructure only, and to increase the safety and capacity of bicycle commuter infrastructure.

Write, call or demonstrate to Eugene’s mayor and City Council about the need to create a few bicycle- and pedestrian-only boulevards running east and west throughout Eugene to ensure safe and efficient transportation alternatives.

Write, call or demonstrate to Gov. Ted Kulongoski and the Legislature to say that expansion of highways, freeways and bridges is unacceptable and that taxpayer money should be spent only on fixing crumbing infrastructure and increasing the capacity and efficiency of rail, as well as bicycle-commuter infrastructure.

Write, call or demonstrate to the secretaries of Interior and Agriculture as well as the governor about the need to protect all the forests on public lands by designating them as carbon and biological reserves to head off the climate crisis, water crisis and sixth greatest extinction, which is now occurring.

Shannon Wilson
