August 13th, 427 DF (Will)

Post date: Oct 27, 2014 6:46:19 AM

I got a job today at our family tavern. Now I can keep an eye on those guys who took it from mom and pop, and I also discovered it could be a great place to get leads on more jobs for our crew. I had no idea people were so tuned-out that they didn't think anyone would overhear them (especially not the bar boy), but I found great news about where to go to get more information about whatever it is I did yesterday during the fight. Probably too risky, but life is short in the Stink.

That guy I stabbed in the neck keeps coming to mind. Mostly when I'm dreaming, but sometimes I think I see him out of the corner of my eye. I hope that doesn't happen every time I kill someone. I mean, some people just gotta die, you know? And I'm really not interested in their ghosts following me around messing things up for me.