
Female Bahman15 Years of Age5'-4" | 120lbs Average BuildBlack/Dark Brown HairSoft Tinted Skin

Lightning Touched

She always knew she was touched. That's what her mother had said ever since she was a little child. Sometimes it was said in a loving way, a smile on her face, like the time that she alone of her siblings and the rest of the children that always seemed to inhabit the house didn't run away from the dark and threatening storm. When she asked her momma why she wasn't afraid, she was told "Because you are touched, sweetie."

Mostly, though, it was said in hushed tones, between mom and other adults, like a secret, or something dangerous. "She is touched, you know," was the refrain, when her mom didn't think she could hear, or understand. Or the times she awoke as if from a dream, though not knowing why she was asleep, asking what was wrong, her mother's eyes betraying her attempt at a reassuring smile. "It's OK. You're just touched."

She had heard it for as long as she could remember.

She had no idea what it meant.

Until she did.

At first, she was afraid, but only for a little while. It didn't hurt, no, it felt pretty good. Almost wild. She could control it, a bit, better every day. It made her giggle.

And, after all, it did save her from those nasty people.

She decided that, really, she liked being touched.

“You can’t stick around here. Others may have seen.”

Turning around, she saw a girl of about her age standing there, eyes darting around. Arms at her side, non-threateningly, the girl somehow seemed at ease with what she had apparently just witnessed.

Satisfied, she guessed, that they were alone for the moment, the girl turned her gaze to her. “We should leave, now,” the girl stated in a firm but pleasant voice. “Do you have a place to stay?” The question gave her pause. She had been wondering that for weeks now. Could she really go home? The thrill of the moment, of channelling so much rawness, was replaced by an empty feeling. What if she couldn’t control it? Worse, what if prying eyes ferreted out her new secret, selling them out for their own gain? Her mother, her sisters, the dozens and dozens of children…

She shook her head. “No, not really.” A quick decision, quick as the lighting that now obeyed her calling. She hoped it was the right one, though she felt no fear. Maybe that was part of being touched as well. “Do you?” She smiled a little, surprised at the new depth of her own voice.

After a moment, the girl smiled back. “I do. Along with many others. It’s my brother’s place. Want to come?” Sedora nodded. “Good. Let’s go. Stay close, we’re going to move quickly.” The girl turned, her long dark hair drawing a wide arc behind her. Sedora ran forward towards her, and together they stole into the oncoming night.