August 12th, 427 DF (Will's take)

Post date: Oct 27, 2014 6:43:10 AM

I should have guessed that there would be more going on in the Stink, and now it's obvious we should have guessed it. Even with the surprise, we did really well against the three times as many crooks as there were, but Aria and Katya went down. I tried to help, but failed. I tried again and it was sheer luck that I helped her the next time. I also got off a couple lucky hits against the guys we were going after. The taller of the two finally realized we weren't going to lose this, and as he tried lumbering away I knocked him out with my staff. (I think I like it better than swords, but a dagger does look really cool.)

Let's note here that I think Aria's priorities need some work. At the end of the battle she was checking these guys who see who was hurt, like they were somehow pitiful little riffraff who weren't going to shake it all off like they had fifty times before. I actually had to remind her that Katya was in real danger of being dead soon and that she was the only one who could really help her.

I also happened to take a moment to check the rest of the guard crew and when I got suspicious of this one guy figuring out that I did something to his brain, I got a knife from Katya (almost in the eye!!) and stabbed him in the neck. Now, it's one thing for me to figure out that I've got sort of power I am definitely not supposed to have, but I really can't let some big guy with better connections than I do tell anyone about it.

We got back, split an absurd amount of loot, and I went home to talk to mom. She wasn't happy about us going after those guys, but it seemed more because it could bring us unwanted attention. I don't know... she was being weird... she gave me that look that I can't resist and I just found myself saying exactly what happened even when I tried not to. She didn't seem worried that we could get rid of the money without being suspicious, which is not what any of us expected to hear.

Get this!: She said she also once found she had some powers that she wasn't supposed to have. She doesn't know anything about them, and won't speak of it. I gotta find out what this is so I don't go killing someone I care about.