Lecture 23

For today you should:

1) Prepare for a quiz


1) More Bayes

For next time

1) Read the Wikipedia article on relational databases and then go through this tutorial up to, but not including, the section called "Prepared Statements".

2) Work on that project! (next milestone: draft report April 30)

Quiz 9 solutions are in pandas_demos.ipynb in the ThinkStats2 repo.

Recommended viewing from PyCon 2015:

Jake VanderPlas, "Losing your Loops: Fast Numerical Computing with NumPy".

Also see this IPython notebook.

And if you want to see the most impressive live coding demo I've ever seen:

Also, this is what happens when they serve beer at the charity auction:

That's a 26-pound edible gummi python, estimated at 37,000 calories.

Bayesian statistics

Part Two: Estimating proportions

PyCon 2015: Bayesian Statistics Made Simple