Day 26


For Next Time

Ethics of Data Science Discussion

Small Group Discussions

Sit in a group of 3 or 4.  To the extent possible, please sit with people that you haven't had a chance to work with and that you don't normally sit with.  The point of this is to encourage each table to represent as diverse a set of perspectives as possible.

Before beginning, pick one of laptop to be the scribe laptop.  This laptop should rotate around the group to allow each person to have a turn taking notes.  Notes should be captured in a Google doc and shared with me (

Note your individual positionality [5 minutes]

Do you have previous thoughts/biases on these topics? Are you one of the stakeholders mentioned in the article? For example, suppose you’ve already done work on image recognition and you know the technology intimately, this may influence the discussion. Perhaps you’ve been thinking deeply about diversity in the tech industry; again, this may be useful context for others in your group to know before we start discussing. If you don't yet have an individual positionality, that is okay too (that is one of the points of this activity)!  As a high-level guiding principle we are seeking to promote an atmosphere where everyone feels comfortable sharing their opinion even if this is their first chance to explore their thoughts / opinions in these areas. Noting individual background is a good way to make sure that everyone knows where each other is coming from.

Discuss the Case Studies [40 minutes]

By case studies I mean the following articles:

We have a total of 40 minutes for discussion of these case studies.  It is possible that you will be able to get through all four, but if you are only able to get through a couple that is totally fine.  For each case study, here are some questions / activities to guide your discussion.

Extract a Set of Principles [20 minutes]

Generate a set of principles for responsible data science. These principles could be centered around the types of problems that we should be addressing with data science, the way in data scientists interact with other stakeholders, or specifics of the technical methods data scientists apply to problems. For each identified principle, identify it as a personal principle (P), a principle that you would like any company/organization (O) you work for to share, or a universal principle (U) that all data scientists should aspire to (indicate which it is by writing the letter, U, P, or O in the upper right corner of the sticky).  Work through this activity in the following phases:

Class-wide Activity

Take a tour [15 minutes]

Take a stroll around the room.  Examine the values and guidelines you see on the post-its.

Relate Your Guidelines to the Guidelines Articles [10 minutes]

We read two articles that were higher-level (above the level of a single case study) about data science ethics.  These articles are:

The goal of this class-wide discussion is to relate the guidelines that you all generated to these articles.  To get us started, here are some possible discussion questions:

Give Some Feedback

I would really appreciate it if you would fill out this survey to help me get a sense of both how effective this activity was and what deltas you have for this activity or for the integration of ethics-related topics into this course more generally.