

Your work in this course will include

Participation and professionalism

We will do lots of fun and useful things during class time.  You should plan to be there!

As students, you have some responsibility for creating and maintaining a classroom atmosphere that is conducive to everyone's learning and enjoyment.  I hope you will think about how your participation contributes to the learning environment.

Some things you can do to help:


Your grade in this class will be determined as a weighted average of the following assignments.

Each of these assignments will be graded using the course rubrics (defined below).

Late Work

Late projects will be penalized 20% per day late.  I will forgive one late project per term as long as it is turned in no more than 5 days late.

Reading assignments will not be accepted late unless you communicate with me ahead of time and explain why you are unable to complete a particular assignment on time.








0%: nothing turned in.

Notebook Assignments

100%: thorough engagement with each section of the reading.  Each exercise has either been completed, or you have articulated a well-thought out set of questions for each of the problems you didn't answer.

Points will be deducted from 100% for the following reasons:


Writing will be evaluated for clarity, concision, and comprehensiveness.  The particular style that you should use will depend on the assignment and your audience.  The bottom line is don't cut corners with writing in this class.  Your ability to communicate what you have done is just as important as what you have done.  Don't make the mistake of spending all of your time writing code, and then rush through the writing parts of the assignment.  See below for some stylistic guidance.