The Value of Data


In this assignment you will be challenged to explore the multifaceted ways in which data science can create value. Additionally, you will begin to explore your interests as they relate to data science.  As a general guideline I'd imagine this entire assignment will take between 2 and 3 hours.

Finding Success Stories and Opportunities for Impact

In a Google document called ValueofData_YourName, create a list of data science success stories and opportunities for impact.  The distinction between the two is largely about whether the impact has already been realized (success story) or whether there is a generally identified place where impact could occur (opportunity for impact).  For each example, include the following information:

You should aim for about 8-10 examples.

Strategies for Finding Material

Here are some strategies you might want to use for finding success stories and areas for impact.  This is a very small subset of the possible strategies, so don't take it as comprehensive.

Synthesizing High-level Categories

Propose some high-level categories that encompass the specific examples you found.  It is up to you to decide exactly how you want to organize your taxonomy.  You could organize your taxonomy by the data source used, the techniques used, who the beneficiaries were, etc.

For each category provide the following information

Exploring Your Interests

Based on your research, what applications / areas of data science are you interested in?  Why are you interested?  Given what you heard about the course structure on the first day, is this an area that might be feasible to explore later in the semester?  Briefly describe why or why not.  Aim for identifying at least 3 interests.

Turning in Your Assignment

Share your Google document with me (