Day 5


For Next Time

Class Discussion of Warmup Project

As a class we'll be discussing the Warmup Project.  Here is the relevant text from the project writeup.

You should come to class ready to engage in a class-wide discussion.  Prompts for discussion include:

We will spend about twenty-five minutes discussing this as a class.

Review of Chapter 10 and 11 and Discussion of Course Feedback

I'll be going over the most common confusions on the exercises for chapters 10 and 11.

Finish "machine learning from the bottom up"

We'll be making the jump from single variable gradient descent to multivariable gradient descent.  There is a notebook in the repository under day05 that will serve as a template.  Contrasts from last time:

You may not get through the whole activity during class, and given the fairly light homework load for next class, I encourage you to finish it up on your own time. You will learn a lot!

If you are a fan of interactive debuggers, you should consider using the ipdb module as a way to debug your code.