5th Grade

Please select the Coastal Education Program you booked for your trip to the Living Coast. We've created activities designed to enhance your students' learning experience both before and after your scheduled field trip. Also included is a program description, standards addressed and a sample of the daily schedule.

Food Chain Hunt

Kick start your ecology knowledge with a fun exploration of the Sweetwater Marsh Refuge. What better way to study ecology, then become a field biologist yourself? Students will enhance their ecosystem knowledge by looking for evidence of different animal species while hiking the trails around the refuge. Students will also view plankton, and learn more about this very important primary consumer in marine ecosystems.

Moons and Tides

Through this interactive program, students will be introduced to tides and the moon’s daily effects on the ocean. Students will hike out to observe the dramatic changes the tide makes on the wetland. And then students will get to study a real tidal chart and learn how scientists predict the tide into the future. TIDE-DEPENDENT PROGRAM- program MUST be scheduled on specific dates. See Ideal Dates Here- Must Contact to reserve these dates

Something's Squidy

There is something squidy about this dissection. Students will learn about the internal and external parts that help a squid exchange energy and matter with its environment. From three hearts to a reduced shell, the squid is a fascinating mollusk to scientifically study.