Crustacean Lab

Ever wonder what it means to be a crab? Get up close with crabs, lobsters, and other crustaceans as you explore their amazing life cycles and characteristics. Your students will be excited about their crabbing adventure down at the beach, the fact that they got to touch exoskeletons, and meet real live crustaceans!  


(You may choose any date but there are dates when your students will be able to actually go onto the beach and look for crabs. Other days we will still go down to view the crab habitat, but the tide will be too high to get on the beach.   See Ideal Dates Here )


4 hours, 9:30am-1:30pm


We have chosen one lesson for you to do with your students before you come, titled CRAB-O-BOTICS so they will have the optimal experience when they are here. Please use it to prepare your students. Please teach the second lesson, titled CRUSTACEAN LIFE COMIC STRIP and corresponding COMIC STRIP and RUBRIC, within a week of completing your Coastal Education Program to expand on the material learned during the Crustacean Lab Program. There are many more resources for you and your students listed below as well!

PLAN OF THE DAY: (If only one class, just see 9:30am-11:30am Group A)

Your students will be able to participate in the Crustacean Lab Lesson, a Docent-led Tour around the Living Coast to see birds, turtles and touch stingrays, complete a scavenger hunt and go for a hike or listen to a Read Aloud. Half of the day you will be with a Teacher or Docent and the other half of the day you will be leading your class through provided activities.

EXAMPLE SCHEDULE - Detailed Schedule link (Actual schedule may vary)



Common Core
