Conference 11/14/21

TTGU Conference

Use current technologies to stay connected to others during this trying time of distance learning and interaction. During this session, participants can either passively watch or participate in interested portions of the presentation. If you wish to participate, please watch the session from a computer or have a second device that will allow you to get on the Internet.

If possible, please complete the following prior to attending the presentation.

In this session, participants will observe a myriad of technology

Screencastify ( ) Screencastify to record, edit, and share videos.

  • Welcome and introductions captured in Flipgrid

  • Demonstration of Screencastify

  • Screen capture with or without your image

  • Edit

  • Saves into your google drive or local computer

  • Share on Youtube, website, or email

Flipgrid, ( Flipgrid is a simple, free, and accessible video discussion experience for learners and families. Start a discussion and engage your community...together!

  • Have others comment on a video that you upload

Jamboard, Spark students to learn, collaborate, and engage in active new ways with the Jamboard, a cloud-powered whiteboard.

Google forms and maps, Create forms/surveys and use those forms to create a Google map

Canva, ( Elevate The Way You Design. Endless Content.

Google sites, create websites with ease for your church, class, business, etc. within 5 minutes.

  • Embed a calendar

  • Embed google form

  • Embed google map from above

Quickwrite, interactive and easy way to get individuals engaged in your lessons/lectures by using Google Sheets