

Department of Secondary Education

Fundamentals of Secondary Education in Multiethnic Secondary Schools

Instructor: Dr. Tae Chang

Telephone: (818) 677-6491

Office Hours: Mondays  2:00-3:30 and by appointments via Zoom or in office, Ed 2140


CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK The faculty of the Michael D. Eisner College of Education, regionally focused and nationally recognized, is committed to excellence, innovation, and social justice. Excellence includes the acquisition of professional dispositions, skills, and research-based knowledge. e, and is demonstrated by the development of ethical and caring professionals—faculty, staff, candidates—and those they serve. Innovation occurs through the leadership and commitment of faculty, and through collaborative partnerships among communities of diverse learners who engage in creative and reflective thinking. We are dedicated to promoting social justice and becoming agents of change in schools and our communities. We continually strive to achieve the following competencies and values that form the foundation of the Conceptual Framework. We value academic excellence in the acquisition of research-based professional knowledge and skills.


Scope and Sequence of Course in this Program

The course, intended to be your first in the credential program, provides a general framework and introduction to secondary education and curriculum within a multiethnic American society. Candidates investigate various classroom discipline and management techniques, teaching strategies and techniques, and lesson planning. Candidates are also introduced to the California Academic Content Standards, California Common Core Standards, and the six Teaching Performance Expectations (TPEs).

Primary emphasis is placed on the TPEs in three areas: 1) Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning 2) Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning, and 4) Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students. Completion of classroom-based activities is required to achieve these goals.

Course Objectives

1. Understand multiple factors that influence the dynamics of student behavior and learning.

2. Examine and practice classroom management strategies that promote learning for a range of students from diverse academic, cultural, and linguistic backgrounds.

3. Practice developing effective lesson plans to make content accessible for diverse learners.

4. Explore classroom activities to engage all students in learning standards-based curricula.

5. Rehearse instructional strategies that engage and challenge students to use progressively higher order thinking skills.

6. Develop and refine strategies for monitoring student learning and assessing their understanding in order to inform instruction and planning.

7. Develop as a professional educator through reflective practices and collaboration with colleagues.

8. Establish a personal growth plan in becoming a high-quality teacher.

SED 511’s Main Areas of Focus are based on the California Teacher Performance Expectations.

The following is an outline of the Domains and specific TPEs. Students are expected to become familiar with all of the TPEs over the course of the Single Subject Credential Program.


TPE 1: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning TPE 2: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning TPE 3: Understanding and Organizing Subject Matter for Student Learning TPE 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students TPE 5: Assessing Student Learning TPE 6: Developing as a Professional Educator

Student Learning Objectives Teacher candidates will be able to:

1. Create and maintain effective environments for learning for a range of students from diverse academic, cultural, and linguistic backgrounds.

2. Engage and support students in learning by clearly communicating instructional objectives, making instruction relevant, and selecting materials to address state academic content standards.

3. Design learning activities that encourage students to use progressively higher order thinking skills to master challenging academic curriculum.

4. Design and implement lessons that use a variety of instructional strategies to make content comprehensible and accessible to students from varied backgrounds and of differing academic language abilities.

5. Know strategies for monitoring student learning.

6. Be familiar with a range of student assessments, including classroom informal measures and standardized tests commonly used in California.

7. Understand and apply California laws and regulations that pertain to the classroom and serve to protect the welfare of students and their families.

8. Examine personal beliefs, attitudes, and biases in order to create an open and fair learning environment for students from all backgrounds.


● Attendance and participation are crucial components of this course. Ideas presented in class by the instructor and your colleagues need to be heard and critiqued for individual and collective growth to take place. If you will be absent, it is your responsibility to contact me as soon as possible.

●Assignments that are late will be 20% off on the first day (24 hours).  If an assignment is 2-7 days late, 50% off and anything later than a week, you will not receive credit.   

● Incomplete grades are for students who have submitted at least 51% of the assignments. In order to request an incomplete grade, the student must make an appointment with the instructor to make arrangements for completion (prior to the last class meeting) and must complete a Request for an Incomplete Form.

● Grade challenges must be submitted in writing within one week of the returned grade.

● Please do not audio or video record class unless prior consent is obtained by the instructor and classmates.

CSUN COMMUNICATION CSUN sends all official communications by email, including registration information. Please check your CSUN email as soon as you’ve activated your university account. Using any Web browser, go to Enter your CSUN User ID and Password. To forward your CSUN email to your gmail, or other preferred address, go to, log in and select Mail Forwarding. However, do be aware that some transmissions are not successful. To remain informed, it is in your best interest to continue to check your CSUN email account throughout the semester.

PROFESSIONAL EXPECTATIONS AND PERSONAL TECHNOLOGY As students in a graduate class, you are expected to exhibit the behaviors of professional educators and professional students. This includes active and positive participation in class. Students are expected to treat their fellow students, faculty, and guests with respect and courtesy. This also relates to the use of cell phones, computers, and other electronic devices. Refrain from using other devices during the lesson unless those devices are being used to directly engage in the online lesson.

Plagiarism Policy

Cheating or plagiarism on a test or other assignment will result in automatic failure on that specific item and possible failure in the course. In addition, there will be a referral to the Academic Ethics Committee.  Never forget that character counts.  University Code of Ethics.

Methods of Assessment for Student Learning Outcomes

Methods and Procedures

Accessibility, Academic, and Other Support Resources for Students

Required Textbook:  

Christensen, L., Karp, S., Peterson, B., & Yonamine, M., (2019). The New Teacher Book. Rethinking Schools. 

Wong, H. K., Wong, R. T. (2018). The first days of school: How to be an effective teacher. 5 th ed., Harry K. Wong Publications. 

Wong, H. K., Wong, R. T. (2018). The Classroom Management Book. 2nd ed., Harry K. Wong Publications. 

California Common Core Standards or California Content Area Standards for an appropriate subject and grade level (may be downloaded from  Candidates should obtain a state-adopted subject area textbook for middle or high school students to complete class activities.  

Recommended Textbook

Burant, T., Christensen, L., Salas, K. D., & Walters, S. (2019). The new teacher book: Finding purpose, balance, and hope during your first years in the classroom. Rethinking Schools.

Jackson, R. R. (2018). Never work harder than your students and other principles of great teaching. ASCD.

Jackson, R. R. (2011). How to plan rigorous instruction. ASCD.

Lemov, D. (2015). Teach like a champion 2.0: 62 techniques that put students on the path to college. ISBN 978-1-118-90185-4 

Faculty will introduce candidates to the publications and work of state and national professional organizations and may assign candidates to explore and read an appropriate journal article(s) or to visit an appropriate professional organization website.