
Research in Secondary Education

SED 600

Spring 2015

Instructor: Dr. Tae Chang

Classroom: ED 2103

Class Time: Wed. 7:00-10:00

Telephone: Office 818.677.6491


Office Hours: TBA

ED 2115A Student lab code 0216354

Required Texts

American Psychological Association. 2009. Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th edition). Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association. You can also use APA format


The faculty of the Michael D. Eisner College of Education, regionally focused and nationally recognized, is committed to Excellence through Innovation. We believe excellence includes the acquisition of professional knowledge, skills, and dispositions and is demonstrated by the growth and renewal of ethical and caring professionals - faculty, staff, candidates - and those they serve. Innovation occurs through collaborative partnerships among communities of diverse learners who engage in creative and reflective thinking. To this end we continually strive to achieve the following competencies and values that form the foundation of the Conceptual Framework.

  1. We value academic excellence in the acquisition of professional knowledge and skills.
  2. We value the use of evidence for the purposes of monitoring candidate growth, determining the impact of our programs, and informing ongoing program and unit renewal. To this end we foster a culture of evidence.
  3. We value ethical practice and what it means to become ethical and caring professionals.
  4. We value collaborative partnerships within the College of Education as well as across disciplines with other CSUN faculty, P-12 faculty, and other members of regional and national educational and service communities.
  5. We value diversity in styles of practice and are united in a dedication to acknowledging, learning about, and addressing the varied strengths, interests, and needs of communities of diverse learners.
  6. We value creative and reflective thinking and practice.

Attendance Policy

Attendance and participation are crucial components of this course. Ideas presented in class by the instructor and your colleagues need to be heard and critiqued for individual and collective growth to take place. If you will be absent, it is your responsibility to make contact me prior to your absence.

Make-up Policy

Assignments are due at the time. Late work, for any reason, will lose 50% and the last day to turn in work being one week.

Plagiarism Policy

Cheating or plagiarism on a test or other assignment will result in automatic failure on that specific item and possible failure in the course. In addition, there will be a referral to the Academic Ethics Committee. Never forget that character counts in the big picture!

Professional Expectations

As a student in a graduate program, you are expected to exhibit the behaviors of professional educators and professional students. This includes active and positive participation in class. Students are expected to treat their fellow students, the faculty, and guests with respect and courtesy. This also relates to the use of cell phones, pagers, computers, and other electronic devices. Class should only be interrupted by emergencies.


Email is the best means of communication on campus. Please check your CSUN account regularly (you can have it forwarded to another account if desired). Though email is quite effective, please do not think we will get an instant response, especially over the weekend. I will attempt to get back to you within 48-72 hours or sooner.

Instructional Philosophy and Course Overview

Content Description

This course introduces key research in secondary education and provides opportunities to analyze educational research critically. It also addresses types of research; the teacher as researcher; planning a research study; and collecting, analyzing, and presenting data. Consideration will be given to research studies dealing with the rationale and structure of significant new approaches to science teaching. Emphasis will be given to the development of an action research proposal that connects directly with your present classroom setting.

Student Learning Objectives (SLOs)

THEORETICAL UNDERSTANDING by reading, synthesizing, and evaluating educational theory and research in their field and applying research findings to their practice in diverse classroom settings.

RESEARCH SKILLS by designing and conducting research ethically and effectively and presenting their finds at a professional level in oral and written forms.

Classroom Norms

1. You are expected to come to class prepared to discuss topics critically, having finished all reading, writing, and group assignments before class.

2. You are expected to become part of a community of lifelong learners: to express ideas clearly, to help those in need, and to ask questions when in doubt.

3. You are to show respect to the learning community and to value your classmates. We challenge ideas not people. Listen with the same attention you would want when you speak.

Assignments and Assessments

This course includes class participation and quizzes (as needed), short papers, presentation, current events, etc. All assignments must be typed, double-spaced and submitted via your website at the appropriate due date.

Course Grade Expectation Reference:

A = Outstanding The grade of “A” is reserved for those students whose performance is truly outstanding. Performance reflects an outstanding level of competency attainment -- including critical analyses, information syntheses, and application of theory and research to practice. Projects and exams are comprehensive, thoughtful, well organized, and clearly written.

B = Average Performance surpasses a basic level of competency attainment, understanding, and skill, and indicates an ability to integrate and apply information.

C = Below average Performance meets expectations for a basic level of competency attainment and understanding.

C- or Below = Unsatisfactory. Performance does not meet expectations for a basic level of competency attainment and understanding.

Multicultural and Multilingual