Pearl Frame Tutorial

Frame Tutorial - Pearl

Filter Required: Graphics Plus - Cross Shadow

Open bettypapermask and pearlrectangle (download) in PSP

Find a tube of your own about 500 px high or re-size.

If you wish to use my tube - above - you can download it at the bottom of this page

Select a light color for foreground and a darker or contrasting color for background.

This seems to look better when higher than wider, but you can make a more horizontal image if desired.

My starting image is about 560 px wide and about 680 px high. Image can be resized when finished.

1. New, Image, Transparent 560 px wide by 680 px high

2. Flood fill with background color.

3. Layer, new layer, flood fill with foreground color.

4. Layer, new mask layer from image and find bettypapermask - invert is checked; Click OK

Layers, merge, merge group.

Adjust, sharpen

5. Layer, new raster layer, Selections, Select All.

6. Find your pearlrectangle image and colorize if desired to match your image.

Edit, copy

On main image, edit, paste into selection.

Select None

Adjust, Sharpen, Sharpen More

Image, Borders, 10 px background Color.

Select border with magic wand.

Effects, graphics plus, Cross Shadow with default settings.

Select None

7. Image, borders 20 px foreground Color

Select border with magic wand.

Edit, paste into selection

Adjust, Sharpen, sharpen more

Select None

8. Image, borders, 8 px background color

9. Add your main tube, any accents, decorations or word text.

When satisfied, Layers, Merge, Merge All.

Resize if desired.

10. Adjust, Brightness and Contrast, Clarify, setting 2