Glamour Frame Tutorial

Filters Required: Simple, Graphics Plus/Cross Shadow (or Greg's Factory Outlet II/pool shadow) and Xero Porcelain.

Materials: Download Mask ; it is a psp image.

A vertical image of your choice; you can create an image with tubes and background if desired.

Open mask and your image in PSP.

1. Open your image. Adjust - Sharpen.

2. Effects, filter, Xero, Porcelain with settings 50, 128, 128, 0, 0, 255

3. Select light foreground and dark background colors; use gold or gray for background for a gold or silver look.

4. Create gradient from foreground/background using linear with angle 45, repeat 2

5. Image, borders, 30 px, background color.

6. Magic wand - set to replace and tolerance to 2, then select border.

7. Apply effects, filter, Graphics Plus. cross shadow or Greg's Factory Outlet II, Pool Shadow.

8. Keep selected and layer, new raster layer.

9. Flood fill new layer with gradient.

10. Apply mask - in PSP, click layer, new mask layer from image, find the mask and click OK.

11. Layer, merge, merge group. Keep selected.

12. Effects, edge effects, enhance. Keep selected.

13. Effects, 3-D, Drop shadow 3, 3, 70, 5 - color black. Select None

14. Image, borders, 5 px white, select with magic wand. If colors bleed, then select all, modify, contract by 5, invert.

15. Flood fill with gradient, keep selected.

16. Apply inner bevel #2 with settings 8, 0, 2, 0, 5, 315, 50, 30, color white. Select None

17. Add borders 15 px background color.

18. Select with magic wand, Effects, Textures, Mosaic glass with settings: 50/50, 50, 0,6,80. Keep selected.

19. Effects, Filter, Simple, top left mirror, Select none.

20. Image add borders 5 px white, select with magic wand; flood fill with gradient.

21. Same inner bevel as last used.

22. Add borders 15 px white; select with magic wand, flood fill with gradient.

23. Add border 5 px background color, select, apply same inner bevel.

24. Apply corners of your choice, if desired.

Another example: