3 Squares Tutorial

3 Squares Tag Image

An Original Tutorial by Betty

In this tutorial I have included all my supplies, including the font, the tube and the mask.

I created the tube and the mask, so they are original. The font is not original.

The supplies will allow you wish to make an exact copy of this image, but of course it's fun to use your own images.

1. Open the tube and mask in PSP. Click open the font and minimize it. It will now be available to use in PSP.

2. Open new image, raster layer, 600 px by 600 px.

3. Select foreground color #008080 and background color #000000

4. Flood fill raster layer with foreground color.

5. New Raster Layer - flood fill with background color.

6. Layers - new mask layer from image. Find the bettymask and invert is unchecked. Click okay.

Layers, merge, merge group. Layers, merge all.

7. Highlight your tube layer, edit copy and paste as a new image.

Make a duplicate of tube by holding shift key and hitting letter "D" on keyboard.

8. Working on duplicate TUBE, use your crop tool to make a square of portion and crop.

Edit and copy the new cropped portion.

9. Go back to the main image and highlight the top small square with your magic wand. Edit paste into selection. Select none.

10. Highlight the bottom square with your magic want and edit, paste into selection. Select none.

11. Go back to your cropped image and image, mirror. Edit, copy. Then highlight the middle square and paste into selection. Select none

12. Go to uncropped tube and edit, copy and paste onto image. Resize if desired or move image up or down.

13. Apply drop shadow - Vertical 5, Horizontal 12, Opacity 60, Blur 25 - color black.

14. New Layer if you wish to apply Text. Font LamplighterScript - Size 100. I inverted my foreground and background colors.

You can apply an inner bevel to text if desired, then apply same drop shadow as above.

If you are using a misted tube, then do not use the drop shadow on image, but apply to text only.

15. Images, Add borders 2 px foreground, 2 px background and 2 px foreground

Note: You can use an image rather than a tube if desired.