Frosted Glass Tutorial

Filter Required: Graphics Plus/Cross Shadow and Filters Unlimited/Mirrored Frame

Open a tube and re-size to no higher 550 high or less.

Select a light color foreground and a medium to dark color background.

Open the bettyglassmask in PSP.

1. File, new raster layer, 800 px wide by 750 px high.

2. Flood fill with background color.

3. Layers, new raster, flood fill with foreground color. Layer, new mask layer, find bettyglassmask and click OK. Layers, Merge, Merge group. Effects, edge effects, enhance,

4. Effects, Graphics Plus, Cross Shadow, default settings.

5. Apply main tube and move up or down above or below the glass mask layer.

6. When satisfied image, borders, 5 px foreground color. Image, borders, 15 px background color. Image borders 5 px foreground color.

7. Effects, Filters Unlimited, Buttons and Frames, Mirrored frame, frame size 37

8. Apply any other decorations or Word Art as desired.