Who Was Msgr. Sheridan?
Msgr. Bernard P. Sheridan, P.A., V.G.
Our Council Eponym
A native of Indianapolis, born on May 26, 1889, Msgr. Sheridan attended St. Anthony Grade School and Manual Training High School. He made his seminary studies at St. Mary's College (Kentucky) and St. Meinrad Seminary, where he was ordained to the priesthood on May 25, 1916. He said his first Mass at St. Anthony. After an initial year as assistant pastor of St. Augustine Parish, Jeffersonville, Msgr. Sheridan was assigned to St. John the Evangelist Parish, Indianapolis, where he served as assistant pastor for seven years. In 1924, he was appointed the director of Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Indianapolis. Three years later, he was named pastor of St. Francis de Sales, Indianapolis. Other diocesan posts he held included clergy examiner (1930) and vice chancellor and notary of the Metropolitan Tribunal (1934). He became pastor of St. John the Evangelist in 1940. Pope Pius XII raised him to the status of Papal Chamberlain in 1945 and nine years later he was named a Domestic Prelate. The same pontiff honored him further in 1958 with the title of Prothonotary Apostolic, the highest rank among monsignori. Since 1949, he had served as a member of the Archdiocesan Council of Administration. Archbishop Schulte appointed him Vicar General, moderator of clergy examinations, and Archdiocesan Consultor in 1957. Msgr. Sheridan, Vicar General for his last 11 years, died October 7, 1966, and was buried in Priests’ Circle, Holy Cross Cemetery, Indianapolis.
Memorial plaque at St. John the Evangelist Parish, Indianapolis
To the memory of Right Rev. Bernard P. Sheridan V.G.
Born May 26, 1889 – Died Oct. 7, 1966
Ordained Priest May 25, 1916
Pastor of St. John’s 1940 – 1966
Elevated to Vicar General May 20, 1957
Prothonotary Apostolic Oct. 5, 1958
He was another Christ in his role as mediator at Holy Mass and as confessor. A model of priestly virtue, he was truly a good shepherd to all whose lives he touched.
Gratefully erected by the Doherty and McNamara families