
Papers and so on

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==============Without reviewed==============

    1. Nagai, I., Takahashi, K. and Yanagihara, H. Information Criterion-Based Nonhierarchical Clustering.

    2. TR 15-10, Hiroshima Statistical Research Group Technical Report, Hiroshima University, Hiroshima.

==============With review==============

  1. Nagai, I. (2015)

    1. Optimization of Penalty Parameter in Penalized Nonlinear Canonical Correlation Analysis by using Cross-Validation.

    2. Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, vol.11, 99-106. (pdf)

  2. Nagai, I., Fukui, K. and Yanagihara, H. (2013).

  3. Choosing the Number of Repetitions in the Multiple Plug-in Optimization Method for the Ridge Parameters in Multivariate Generalized Ridge Regression.

  4. Bulletin of Informatics and Cybernetics, vol. 45, 25--35.

  5. Fujiwara, M., Minamidani, T., Nagai, I. and Wakaki, H. (2013).

  6. Principal Components Regression by using Generalized Principal Components Analysis.

  7. Journal of the Japan Statistical Society, vol. 43 (1), 57--78.abstract (PDF)

  8. Nagai, I. (2013).

  9. Selection of Model Selection Criteria for Multivariate Ridge Regression.

  10. Hiroshima Mathematical Journal, Vol. 43 (1), 73~106.HMJのPDF

  11. Nagai, I., Yanagihara, H. and Satoh, K. (2012).

  12. Optimization of Ridge Parameters in Multivariate Generalized Ridge Regression by Plug-in Methods.

  13. Hiroshima Mathematical Journal, Vol. 42 (3), 301~324.HMJのPDF

  14. Nagai, I. (2011).

  15. Modified Cp Criterion for Optimizing Ridge and Smooth Parameters in the MGR Estimator for the Nonparametric GMANOVA model.

  16. Open Journal of Statistics, Vol. 1 (1), 1~14.Open Journal of StatisticsのPDF

    1. Yanagihara, H., Nagai, I. and Satoh, K. (2009).

    2. A Bias-Corrected Cp Criterion for Optimizing Ridge Parameters in Multivariate Generalzied Ridge Regression.

    3. Japanese J. Appl. Statist., Vol. 38 (3), 151~172. (in Japanese)


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