N64 ASCII Controller

The ASCII Controller I have has Japanese characters to show what each slider does, but I can't read Japanese. I was able to perform some very careful analysis of the controllers behavior and below is the results.

Left Trigger & Right Trigger - 3 position sliders

  • Left Position - The standard controller behavior
  • Middle Position - "Blink Mode" Holding the button causes it to automatically press and depress at maybe 20 times per second.
  • Right Position - Interesting because it actually inverts the standard behavior. Button is held down unless you press it, then it's released.

Left Vertical Slider

Changes the on off rate (blink rate) of all buttons that are using the blink mode, Up is the fastest rate maybe a little shy of 60 times per second. The slowest mode is maybe 20 times per second.

A & B & Z - 5 position sliders (Numbers Left to Right)

  1. Standard Controller behavior
  2. Blink Mode, when pressed the rate is based on the Left Vertical Slider
  3. Blink Mode, always blinks at the rate is based on the Left Vertical Slider (pressed or not)
  4. Inverts the standard behavior, not pressed is on and pressed is off.
  5. Combination of #2 and #4 so Inverted and Blink Mode. When the button is not pressed it's on, when pressed it's blink mode based on the left vertical slider.