Rumble PAK

No Battery

There appear to be 2 risks to this modification, I'll add more research when I've completed and tested this mod.

  1. Four "No Battery" modded PAK's could pull too many milliamps from the power supply.
  2. If not filtered the motors could put some "noise" on the 3V3 line that goes to the processors.
    • This would be even worse if the power supply is maxed out.

The modification itself is pretty easy if you have any experience with a soldering iron. The Reference video is excellent and I suggest pausing it at 3:05 to see the connections to make.

I used a piece of wire to jumper the connections, and just cut and removed the fuse.

When playing the rumble pack has a little more "rattle" with no batteries. I suggest putting something in the battery compartment maybe a Styrofoam peanut. To give it a more professional feel there are "dummy" batteries available for approx. $0.50 each.
