About Console Protocols

This site is dedicated to the accurate documentation of protocols used to communicate with and inside of game consoles. What is presented here is treated as a science experiment, with the goals of accuracy and reproduction of results. If anything is found to be in error please contact the site owners to get it deleted or corrected.

We love game consoles of all types and if there is content here that a manufacturer is concerned about please also let us know so we can remedy the situation. To hopefully avoid or reduce the chance of this situation we will be focused on "Classic Consoles" :

  1. The manufacturer is not directly profiting from the sale of consoles, games or accessories.
  2. Not commonly for sale (If it's not available at a Gamestop store it's probably fine)
  3. Requests or discussions about copyrighted ROM's are not acceptable.
  4. Discussion about purchased consoles, games and accessories and how they can be legally reverse engineered is expected and encouraged.