Breaking News - 04.12.2023:The current championship is ended...many thanks and congrats to all!As usually, all of the played games are available (in PGN): BN CS XXIIAnother BIG update, 20 entries, where this time one book is managed...And the name of the qualified book is Goddess just great performance!Btw, Everest, DON, Taram, Xperimental...are via great performance too!Sure, many of the latest entries are quite no BIG surprise..About why they could not be in SL but if comparing latest new releases,It's clear that mostly managed to qualify or very close to 3800 Elo barrier, So here, in this contest: there is nothing strange with 2nd League resultsMeanwhile, for my previous postings regarding current competition News
Second League Champion Gooddess - Congratulations to Olivier Charles! 
 Rank Name              Elo    +    - games score oppo. draws   1 Goddess           3816    6    6   500   60%  3768   78%    2 Everest 300923    3815    6    6   500   60%  3768   79%    3 DON Hercules 3    3807    6    7   500   57%  3768   82%    4 Taram             3806    6    7   500   57%  3768   83%    5 Xperimental v1    3806    6    7   500   57%  3768   82%    6 DON Hercules W    3806    6    7   500   57%  3768   84%    7 CachoSCCT opt2    3805    6    7   500   57%  3768   85%    8 Bloom 090723      3805    6    7   500   57%  3768   85%    9 Unicornio         3805    6    7   500   57%  3768   86%   10 Sun               3804    6    7   500   57%  3768   85%   11 ORIONPAX3         3804    6    7   500   57%  3768   83%   12 HCanFree Upd      3803    6    7   500   56%  3768   86%   13 Drifter           3802    6    7   500   56%  3768   84%   14 ChessBot 170623   3801    6    7   500   56%  3768   83%   15 LooseCanon        3801    6    7   500   56%  3768   83%   16 Beast             3801    6    7   500   56%  3768   86%   17 Yorubaupdate      3800    6    7   500   56%  3768   87%   18 Red Dragon        3800    7    7   500   56%  3768   87%   19 SENTINEL 3        3800    7    7   500   56%  3768   86% 
  20 OPTIMUS 2311      3799    7    7   500   56%  3768   88%   21 Hamish 5          3799    7    7   500   56%  3768   89%   22 Dragon Tooth      3799    7    7   500   56%  3768   89%   23 ShadRach          3798    7    7   500   55%  3768   88%   24 Merlin            3797    7    7   500   55%  3768   89%   25 OlisFish 201123   3797    7    7   500   55%  3768   88%   26 Eman 061123       3796    7    7   500   55%  3768   87%   27 Ganryu            3796    7    7   500   55%  3768   89%   28 Cevdet 231123     3795    7    7   500   55%  3768   87%   29 Zaytsev           3795    7    7   500   55%  3768   89%   30 Africaata 011223  3795    7    7   500   55%  3768   90%   31 Shadow            3794    7    7   500   54%  3768   86%   32 SARI 300923       3794    7    7   500   54%  3768   89%   33 Sambala           3793    7    7   500   54%  3768   89%   34 JellyFish         3793    7    7   500   54%  3768   90%   35 Solista X         3793    7    8   500   54%  3768   88%   36 Mustafacanseven   3793    7    8   500   54%  3768   88%   37 Varied 110122     3793    7    7   500   54%  3768   91%   38 C.B Conqueror     3793    7    7   500   54%  3768   91%   39 SkynetSCCT 10.1   3793    7    8   500   54%  3768   87%   40 Ingkong 230923    3792    7    8   500   54%  3768   89%   41 B.Knight Returns  3792    7    8   500   54%  3768   91%   42 LesChats 201123   3792    7    8   500   54%  3768   90%   43 Globe             3791    7    8   500   54%  3768   91%   44 Dara Lght         3790    7    8   500   54%  3768   89%   45 1337chess         3790    7    8   500   54%  3768   88%   46 HCan UPD          3790    7    8   500   54%  3768   90%   47 Goi forum         3789    7    8   500   54%  3768   89%   48 CallmeX           3789    7    8   500   53%  3768   86%   49 StudentChess      3789    7    8   500   53%  3768   90%   50 GutLess Git       3789    7    8   500   53%  3768   85%   51 Chucaro4 upd2     3788    7    8   500   53%  3768   90%   52 V by Kerveros     3788    7    8   500   53%  3768   92%   53 CHESSBOT          3787    7    8   500   53%  3768   88%   54 Rebel             3787    7    8   500   53%  3768   90%   55 Hubble 3.3        3787    7    8   500   53%  3768   90%   56 Ukraine 55        3786    7    8   500   53%  3768   91%   57 Goi 241222        3786    7    8   500   53%  3768   93%   58 Feta X            3786    7    8   500   53%  3768   87%   59 Lion X            3784    8    8   500   52%  3768   82%   60 SF-SE             3783    8    8   500   52%  3768   87%   61 Sun, SF-PB.       3783    3    3  3900   49%  3790   91%   62 CachoUPD2         3782    8    8   500   52%  3768   91%   63 Predator 2.3      3782    8    8   500   52%  3768   91%   64 Guzelkiz 220522   3780    8    8   500   52%  3768   89%   65 No Book           3780    8    8   500   52%  3768   92%   66 Zeus              3777    8    8   500   51%  3768   87%   67 Mercury, BlueM    3776    3    3  3900   48%  3790   88%   68 Jupiter, DBlue    3775    3    3  3900   48%  3790   91%   69 Pure sarcasm      3772    8    8   500   51%  3768   92%   70 Cerebellum X      3772    8    8   500   51%  3768   90%   71 Pluto, CFish      3770    3    3  3900   47%  3790   89%   72 Dark Galactus     3769    8    8   500   50%  3768   86%   73 Saturn, CatroP    3767    3    3  3900   46%  3790   88%   74 LCX100M2          3767    8    8   500   50%  3768   92%   75 Earth, Honey      3764    3    3  3900   46%  3790   86%   76 Uranus, Fisherov  3764    3    3  3900   45%  3790   88%   77 Venus, FatTitz    3762    3    3  3900   45%  3790   86%   78 Mars, Swordfish   3761    3    2  3900   45%  3790   87%   79 Neptune, Raub     3756    2    2  3900   44%  3790   85% 
   • Calculated by Bayeselo / Red Dragon is fixed to 3800 / Blue Name = Last Update
More Details (when the tour was active): The constant books played by weaker engines, where all entries are   Played by SF-Poly 220723 (minus plus 20 Elo stronger than them..)• Any opening book with 3800+ Elo will be qualified into Super League• In this new Championship, all books are allowed (Private plus Public)  Polyglot book registrations are acceptable (once per month): Contact    By unknown is required min 100 games (played on Playchess etc.)  This rule can be called as VISA, it's just against cheating for Details• As bonus, SCCT's frequent book authors can submit several books  To be more clear, each other... have to be different in playing styles• Maximum book size limit rule: up to 250 MB (compressed) allowed  As another bonus (for frequent...) I can accept even 500 MB in size• Polyglot (BIN) main settings: BookDepth: 100 / Best Move disabled  Exc. some opening books are played by Author's recommendations• New entries will be played 500 games (vs 10 constant opponents)• Any Book Leader (after the end of tour) will be titled as Champion• Overall draw percentage (based on 36750 games) not so high. 88%• As usual, all played games will be available after the end of tourney 21  20  19  18  LXVI  17  16  15  14  13  12  11  LXV  10  9  8  7  6  LXIV  5  4  3